Is love an answer to woe of not knowing?
Is big society taking more than it can give?
Are the deserts growing and trees just becoming cankers to our life?
Where are the beautiful people? Aren't we all beautiful and in need of discovery?
Does television preport a mythe or is it's pursuit genuine?
Is comedy about degradation of another or is there more than perjury?
Are there enough people to satisfy your lust for life or are just meant to be simple and honeste?
When we look to the skies are we envious or anxious of the future?
Erosion of the heart is commonplace, or are we feeling our waye with another?
Is the portrayal of militaristic 'endevours' a hazard or are we meant to reach and help those in danger?
Are natural resources meant to be tapped, or do we just coexiste and receive great gifts once we have achieved a milestone
in being carefree and loving?
If what we perceive is our mind, maybe communication isn't necessarily a two-way thing, how can we know what another percieves?
Maybe we only glimpse the beauty and depth of another and love is a seed that growes - it develops over tyme and communication
is also a leaning experience? The difference between right and wrong is inherent in our nature but maybe only pertaining to
ourselves as people? We learne as we travel through our relationships and fynde the places we travel through emotional experiences
we fynde in our heart we are able to conveyye becoming easier to develop withe our close ones?
Maybe claiming the carcass of another as 'meat' or 'beat' is treasonesse in relation to we do not know what we are pertaining to; and are in fact
insulting the intelligence of some that have been here much longer in as regards to the planet? In short
meybe insteade it's nyce to be nyce and great to care?
There is always werk to do outsyyde of our minde and withine our relationshippes, sharing quality tyyme being at designe withe someone is
faar out and delft. In the Garydyne of Naytre the love flowes freely and there is always werk to do with someone lyyke yourself.....It's easy to figuure lyyfe is deape
and vaast.
If we fail will G'od or They sort us all out?
If the meeke shall inherett the Earth then why so much venturing into the realms of warcraft?
In old days people stalked WITH aminals, so why is stalking illegal and negative and only those with official 'permission' or money
permitted to carry out moderrne acts of harassment?
In this life there can be choices, although it seems all made for us; almost as if our life has become pre-ordained by the powerful?
The Sound Foxes Experiment have been denied their place and have found instead that thay have had to go back to ground. Once we made music and
we are back into that foraye with a message from beyond.
Our music is rough and ready and perhaps rough around the edges; however a Being of powerful magnitude percieves the world, this planet Earth,
and Thay have left us with a challenge - to reach with Their message. Preaching is out in this day and age, so we have challenged the system
to produce the goodes we kneed to share in a positive way a truth of Their heart. Our equipment is crude and our purse straps bare, however
animals have adopted us and taken us under their magnanimous wings, to bring forth the knew Experimente in sound ::: The Sound Foxes Experiment.
We are all so endangered; our planet- this asteroid we are upon, kneeds us to stop eroding the very fabric that sustaines us and care more for the creatures that care for our
environment and enriche it in wayes us people do not understand. Just think extinction is an event common on this planet and a tale here
prevalent is nothing is forever.
Maybe in your culture it is love that is all that matters and you can see there is no begining and there is no end; this planet
believes in romance, Nature is the law that cares for us, yet it is so lost to some. Let's find peace and harmony and explore
our own answers, the ones of our friends and not remote control affairs of nonsense.
Your life is up to you. Let us be with you and share this message from the Golden Folke of antiquity that reside somewhere in the skies,
perhaps before you switch it off and find the truth of each other's bossom, for the flowers grow for you and us, you say a simple prayer for
Humanity and enjoy the bountiful garden?
We hope your really enjoy and think about The Sound Foxes Experiments zaiany
music which is available on Spotify, iTunes, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Google,
Sound Cloud and Band Camp, to name but a few of the places the music is for streaming and/or digital download, some of it
freely available without a subscription.
Please join with us in the full experience of the counter-hate-culture revolution......
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